Review: The Woman In Cabin 10

A relatively new novel release, “The Woman in Cabin 10” by Ruth Ware is becoming increasingly popular amoung adult readers across the globe.

CaptureAlthough an avid reader myself, I was shocked by my own intense desire to finish the book and resolve the mystery that lies within the pages. Even for a not-so-fast reader, this story flies by as you sit jaw-dropped and eager for more.

The story follows a young journalist striving to make her way up the corporate ladder as she is assigned to a project she hopes to be her big break. She leaves home for more than a week, with the agenda of writing a ground breaking story and impressing her hard-to-please boss. Upon entering unknown waters and uncomfortable territories, she is faced with her uncomfortable past, deep secrets and life threatening situations.

As a reader, you connect with the main character through the vivid detail, and personable traits included by Ware. The excitement and mystery of the novel will keep you turning pages for hours, dying to know what happens next. If you are in the mood for a stellar summer read you will not want to put down, “The Woman In Cabin 10” is worth a shot. Plus…

…don’t you want to know more about the woman in cabin 10?